Ebb and Flow–New Pattern

A couple of months ago, I received some sample skeins of yarn from Abuelita Yarns. One of them was Abuelita Merino Lace. It worked up into a wonderfully soft and elegant scarf, which I am calling Ebb and Flow because of the way the lace pattern undulates through the fabric. As an added bonus, the lace pattern biases naturally, forming slightly scalloped  points at the ends of the scarf. 

I'll be putting the pattern up for sale on Ravelry and Patternfish later today. 

This is a beautiful yarn, and I look forward to more offerings from that company. 


More gratuitous garden pictures:

A colander full of strawberries (sorry for the blurriness). We've picked about this much every day for a week now. Most of them have gone into the freezer awaiting their transformation into strawberry jam for the husband. 

A cluster of grapes (kind of hard to see in the middle of the picture). I do hope these grapes survive and produce. They seem to be doing well so far.

One of DD#2's sunflowers. This happens to be the overachiever of the bunch. I need to remember to save seed from this plant for next year, if I can keep the dumb birds from eating them. Might be time for a scarecrow. 

And my favorite—one of my cauliflowers. This is almost ready to eat.


We had some really hot weather followed by a couple of days of cool and rainy (while the rest of you are sweltering). Now it's going to get hot again. I like the contrast.